Sustainability Report 2022
Fellbach, July 2023
Publication of the first sustainability report in EGELHOF's corporate history
Our entire society is currently undergoing a historic change. The protection of the environment and resources is becoming more and more important and increasingly impacts our life.
Trend topics such as digitalisation and individualisation characterize the transformation in the automotive industry. Against this background, we are using our strengths as an automotive supplier and actively shaping the change.
According to EU legislation, companies like EGELHOF are obliged to publish the annual sustainability report from 2023 onwards. With the present report for the year 2022, EGELHOF provides information on various aspects of sustainability, which not only bear witness to what EGELHOF has achieved in the past, but can also be seen as an incentive for the future.
Sustainable corporate management, innovative products and a sense of responsibility towards our employees and society are the focus of our strategy. As a family company in its fourth generation, EGELHOF is "Ready for the future".
EGELHOF Sustainability Report 2022 (PDF Size 4371.993kb)