
The headquarters in Fellbach is characterized above all by its highly qualified team of engineers in research & development, design and testing. The central sales office in Fellbach coordinates all sales activities worldwide.

EGELHOF Headquarters Office in Germany

Otto Egelhof GmbH & Co. KG
Stuttgarter Str. 60
D-70736 Fellbach

Phone: +49 711 57547-0
Fax: +49 711 57547-241
e-mail: info@egelhof.com
Internet: www.egelhof.com

Administration, Sales, Development, Design, Prototypes, Testing

EGELHOF Subsidiary Company

RAY Egelhof GmbH
Stuttgarter Str. 60
D-70736 Fellbach

Phone: +49 711 952826-0
Fax: +49 711 952826-19
e-mail: info@ray-egelhof.com
Internet: www.ray-egelhof.com

Administration, Sales

How to find us:
Approach Google Maps
Local Traffic - VVS

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